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- (ra)
- 1000
- 1400
- 2.5%
- 2010
- 4
- 60days
- 70
- 700
- 99
- aakhir
- aasiyah
- abandon
- abaser
- abdullah
- ablution
- abode
- abraham
- absence
- abu bakr
- abu bakr(ra)
- abu baqr
- abuse
- abuses
- abusing
- abyssinia
- accept
- acceptance
- accident
- account
- accountability
- accountable
- act
- actin
- action
- action.truth
- actions
- actionslave
- active
- ad-dajjal
- adam
- addiction
- adha
- adhan
- adolescent
- adornment
- adult
- adultery
- adults
- adversity
- advice
- aesthetic
- affection
- affectionate
- afflicted
- affliction
- afflictions
- afflictor
- affluent
- afraid
- africa
- afternoon
- age
- agent
- aggression
- aggressive
- Aisha
- aisha(ra)
- aishah
- aishah (ra)
- aishah(ra)
- al-buraq
- alah
- alaq
- alcohol
- Alhamdulillah
- alla
- allah
- Allahu Akbar
- almonds
- alms
- ameen
- america
- amusement
- an-nawawi
- anas
- ange
- angel
- angels
- anger
- angry
- animal
- animals
- anniversary
- announcement
- ant
- apostasy
- appearance
- apple
- appreciate
- aql
- aquarium
- ar-raiyan
- ar-rayyan
- arab
- arabic
- arabs
- arafa
- arafah
- arafat
- argue
- argumets
- armpit
- arrogance
- arrogant
- arrow
- articles
- artisan
- as-sajada
- ascension
- ascetic
- ashura
- asr
- assembly
- assiteer
- astonishment
- astray
- astronomy
- ate
- athan
- atheism
- atmosphere
- atom
- attentive
- attitude
- attributes
- audio
- authority
- aversion
- avoid
- aware
- awareness
- awrah
- awwal
- ayah
- ayat
- ayat al kursi
- ayats
- azan
- baby
- back
- backbite
- backbitig
- backbiting
- backsmith
- bad
- bad dream
- badan
- balance
- balloons
- banquet
- baqarah
- barakah
- barzakh
- basil
- bath
- bathe
- bathroom
- battle
- beard
- beast
- beat
- beats
- beautiful
- beauty
- bed
- bedding
- bee
- beg
- beggar
- begin
- beginning
- behalf
- behavior
- behaviour
- beleiver
- beleivers
- belief
- believer
- believers
- beliver
- bell
- bellies
- belly
- benefit
- bereaved
- best
- betrayer
- bible
- bida
- bidah
- bier
- bilal
- bird
- birds
- birr
- birth
- bismillah
- black
- blade
- blame
- blessed
- blessing
- blessings
- blind
- blog
- blood
- blood pressure
- bloodshed
- blow
- boat
- body
- bones
- book
- bored
- boredom
- born
- bowing
- boy
- bpatience
- branches
- bravery
- bray
- breadth
- break
- breaking
- breast
- breasts
- breath
- breathe
- brick
- bride
- bridge
- bridle
- brocolli
- brothe
- brother
- brotherhood
- brush
- buddhism
- builds
- bukhari
- bukhl
- burden
- burial
- burn
- business
- busy
- buyer
- cakes
- calamities
- calamity
- caliphs
- call
- calling
- calm
- calumny
- camel
- camels
- candies
- capability
- capacity
- capital
- captives
- care
- carelessness
- cat
- catholic
- cattle
- cause
- cave
- celebrate
- cervical
- chained
- change
- character
- characteristics
- charit
- charitable
- charity
- chaste
- chastity
- chat
- chatter
- cheat
- cheating
- cheeks
- cheerful
- chicken
- child
- children
- chin
- chirstin
- choice
- chores
- christian
- christianity
- christians
- christmans
- chrity
- chromosomes
- church
- churh
- circumcision
- citron
- claim
- clapping
- clarification
- class
- classes
- clean
- cleanliness
- cleanse
- clear
- clement
- clinic
- clock
- close
- clot
- cloth
- clothe
- clothed
- clothes
- clothing
- cloud
- clouds
- club
- coach
- coal
- cock
- coin
- collar
- collar bone
- college
- colocynth
- colonization
- combative
- comfort
- command
- commandments
- commands
- comments
- commit
- commitment
- communicate
- communication
- community
- companion
- companions
- companionship
- comparison
- compassion
- compassionate
- compatibility
- compatible
- compeller
- compensate
- compensation
- competition
- competitive
- complain
- compliment
- compulsion
- conceal
- concelas
- concentrate
- concentration
- conduct
- confidence
- confidentiality
- confusion
- congregation
- consent
- consistency
- consistent
- constipation
- consult
- consultation
- consulting
- consumerism
- contempt
- contentment
- continous
- contract
- contradiction
- control
- controls
- controversy
- convert
- cook
- cooking
- cooperation
- corn
- correct
- corruption
- counsel
- count
- countenance
- courage
- courageous
- covenant
- covering
- cow
- cowardice
- cramp
- create
- created
- creation
- creator
- creatures
- creditor
- criminals
- crisis
- critical thinking
- criticism
- criticize
- critisicm
- crooked
- crop
- cross
- crticism
- crying
- cubit
- culture
- cumin
- cure
- curse
- curved
- cut
- cypress
- da'wah
- dad
- dajjal
- damascus
- dance
- dark
- date
- date-fruit
- dates
- dating
- daughter
- dawa
- dawah
- dawn
- dawnwater
- day
- day of judgement
- day of resurruction
- daybreak
- days
- dead
- dead animals
- deaf
- death
- debate
- debauchery
- debt
- debtor
- debts
- decayed
- deceased
- deceive
- deception
- decision
- decorate
- decrease
- decree
- deed
- deeds
- deen
- deen show
- defame
- defects
- defend
- deficiencies
- delay
- delight
- denial
- depart
- departure
- descendants
- description
- desire
- desires
- despair
- despising
- destination
- destitute
- destroy
- destroyed
- determinatin
- detestable
- devil
- devils
- devotion
- dhikr
- dhul hijjah
- diabetes
- die
- died
- dies
- diet
- dieting
- differences
- difficult
- difficulties
- digest
- dignity
- dinar
- dinking
- dirdham
- dirham
- disbelief
- disbelieve
- disbeliever
- disbelievers
- discipline
- discord
- disease
- dishonest
- disobedience
- disobey
- dissension
- distance
- distractions
- distracts
- divine
- divine inspiration
- divisiveness
- divorce
- doctor
- dog
- dogs
- donate
- donation
- donkey
- door
- doubt
- doubtful
- doubtfulness
- dowry
- dream
- dreams
- dress
- drink
- drinking
- drinks
- drive
- drowsiness
- drowsy
- drug
- drugs
- drunk
- dua
- duaa
- duahs
- duas
- dubai
- duha
- dumb
- dunya
- duress
- dusk
- dust
- duty
- dwellers
- dying
- ear
- earning
- ears
- earth
- earthquake
- earthquakes
- earths
- ease
- easter
- easy
- eat
- eaten
- eating
- eats
- eclipse
- economy
- educate
- education
- educator
- efaadah
- egg
- ego
- eid
- eid day
- eid mubarak
- eid ul adha
- elderly
- elevate
- eman
- embrace
- embryo
- embryology
- emigrated
- emotional
- employees
- employment
- encourage
- end
- enemies
- enemy
- engagement
- enjoyment
- enlarges
- enmity
- enslavement
- enter
- entertaintment
- enthusiasm
- envious
- environmental
- envy
- equality
- equitable
- err
- eternal
- etiquette
- etiquettes
- ettiqutte
- euphrates
- eve
- evening
- everlasting
- evil
- evil eye
- exaggerate
- exam
- example
- exceed
- excellence
- excercise
- excess
- excuse
- exist
- existence
- expander
- expense
- expenses
- expiation
- extravagant
- extreme
- extremist
- eye
- eyes
- eyesight
- face
- facilitate
- fahsha
- fail
- faith
- faithful
- fajr
- falaq
- false
- falsehood
- fame
- familiarity
- family
- fard
- farewell
- fasrinf
- fast
- fasting
- fastings
- fate
- father
- fatigue
- fatiha
- fatihah
- fatimah
- fatimah(ra)
- fatwa
- fault
- faults
- favor
- fear
- feasting
- feed
- feeding
- feeds
- feelings
- feet
- felicity
- female
- fertility
- fetal
- fever
- fibre
- fight
- fights
- financial
- fingers
- fiqh
- fir
- fire
- firown
- first
- fish
- fitr
- fitrah
- five
- flag
- flesh
- flight
- flocks
- flood
- flower
- foam
- focused
- followers
- food
- fool
- foolish
- foolishness
- foot
- footstep
- footsteps
- footstool
- forbid
- forbidden
- forbids
- forget
- forgiv
- forgive
- forgiven
- forgiveness
- forgivenss
- forgives
- forgiving
- fornicator
- fortune
- forty
- foster
- fostership
- fragrance
- freedom
- friday
- friend
- friends
- friendship
- fruit
- fruits
- fulfil
- full
- fun
- funeral
- furnance
- furqan
- future
- gabriel
- gain
- gains
- gambling
- games
- garden
- gardens
- garlic
- garment
- garments
- gate
- gatherer
- gathering
- gaze
- generic
- generosity
- generous
- genetics
- gentle
- ghibah
- ghibtah
- ghusl
- gift
- gifts
- gireve
- girl
- girls
- glad
- glorifcation
- glorification
- glorify
- glorious
- glory
- gloves
- goal
- goals
- god
- gold
- goldring
- good
- good deed
- good deeds
- good marriage
- goodness
- gossip
- gout
- grace
- gracious
- grandfather
- grandparents
- grandson
- grant
- grapes
- grateful
- gratitude
- grave
- graves
- graveyard
- greed
- greedy
- greet
- greeting
- greetings
- grief
- ground
- guardian
- guardians
- guardianship
- guest
- guidance
- guide
- guided
- guides
- guilt
- gulp
- habal
- habeel
- habit
- hadith
- hair
- haj
- hajj
- hakim
- halal
- halaqa
- halaqah
- hamd
- hanbali
- hand
- handful
- hands
- happiness
- happy
- haram
- hard
- hard work
- hardhsip
- hardship
- harm
- harshness
- harward
- hasad
- hassan
- haste
- hasten
- hasty
- hate
- hatred
- hawa
- hawaa
- hawwa
- haya
- hayyul qayyum
- head
- headache
- healing
- health
- healthy
- hear
- hearing
- heart
- hearts
- heat
- heatlh
- heaven
- heavens
- heed
- heedless
- hell
- hell fire
- hellfire
- help
- hemorrhoids
- hereafter
- hide
- high
- higher
- highest
- hijab
- hikmah
- himself
- hindu
- hinduism
- hira
- history
- holiday
- hollowed
- holy
- holy ghost
- home
- homes
- homework
- honest
- honestly
- honesty
- honey
- honor
- hope
- horns
- horse
- horses
- hospitality
- hot
- hour
- hours
- house
- household
- houses
- hubmle
- hujjoon
- human
- humans
- humble
- humbly
- humiliate
- humiliation
- humility
- humor
- hundred
- hunger
- hungry
- huntingtalbiyah
- husband
- hypocrisy
- hypocrite
- hypocrites
- hyprocite
- i
- ibada
- ibadah
- ibadat
- iblis
- ibrahim
- ibrahim (as)
- ibrahim(as)
- ibtibaa
- id
- ideal
- identification
- identity
- idol
- idolatory
- idols
- ifrad
- iftar
- ignorance
- ihram
- ihsan
- ikhlas
- ill
- illegal
- illegally
- illicit
- illiterate
- illness
- imaam
- imam
- iman
- imanrush
- impatience
- impatient
- independence
- independent
- indications
- indirect
- individual
- inevitable
- inflate
- information
- inherit
- inheritance
- injure
- injury
- injustice
- inmates
- innovates
- innovation
- innovtion
- insects
- insecurity
- insignificant
- insincerity
- instruments
- insulting
- insults
- integrity
- intellect
- intellectual
- intends
- intention
- intentional
- intercession
- intercessor
- intercourse
- interest
- intergrity
- intermingle
- internet
- interpret
- intestine
- intimacy
- intoxicants
- intoxication
- introduction
- invalid
- invent
- invitation
- invite
- invites
- invocation
- invoke
- iqama
- iqamah
- iraq
- irritable
- Isa
- isa(as)
- isaac
- isha
- islam
- israel
- isthikaarah
- istikaarah
- istishaarah
- itikaf
- jamarat
- jamrat
- janabah
- janah
- janazah
- jannah
- jannathul baqi
- jaw
- jealosy
- jealous
- jealousy
- jeans
- jennah
- jerusalem
- jesus
- jew
- jewelry
- jewlery
- jews
- jibreal
- jibreel
- jibril
- jihad
- jinn
- jizyah
- job
- joint
- joke
- joking
- joseph
- journey
- joy
- judge
- judgement
- judging
- judgment
- juglar
- jumu'a
- jumuah
- junub
- jurisprudence
- just
- justice
- kaafir
- kaba
- kabah
- kahf
- kamal el mekki
- kauthar
- kawthar
- khadeejah
- khadeejah(ra)
- khadija
- khadijah
- khamr
- khawlah
- khushoo
- khutba
- khutbah
- khutubah
- kibr
- kids
- kill
- killing
- kin
- kind
- kindle
- kindness
- kindred
- king
- kingdom
- kinsfolk
- kinship
- kiss
- knee
- knock
- knoledge
- knots
- knoweldge
- knowing
- knowledge
- kowledge
- kufr
- kursi
- kusoof
- kuwailid
- labaik
- labourer
- lake
- lamentation
- lamp
- land
- language
- last
- last ten
- lateef
- laugh
- lawful
- laws
- laylathul
- laylathul qadr
- laylatul
- laylatul qadr
- laziness
- lazy
- lead
- leader
- leaders
- leadership
- learn
- learned
- learning
- least
- leave
- lecture
- lectures
- left
- legacy
- legal
- legally
- legs
- lenient
- lesson
- liar
- liberation
- licentious
- lie
- lied
- lies
- life
- lifetime
- light
- like
- liked
- limb
- limbs
- lineage
- listen
- live
- livelihood
- lives
- livestock
- living
- load
- loan
- lodge
- long
- longing
- look
- looking
- lord
- lots
- love
- loved ones
- loves
- lower
- loyal
- loyalty
- lunch
- luqman
- luxury
- lying
- maalik
- mabrur
- madeenah
- maghrib
- magic
- magrib
- mahr
- mahrajan
- mahram
- maintain
- maintainers
- maisarah
- majeed
- major
- major sin
- major sins
- maker
- makkah
- makkahm
- makkan
- male
- malik
- man
- management
- manager
- mania
- mankind
- manners
- mantle
- map
- maqam
- marraige
- marriage
- marriage tips
- married
- martyr
- marwa
- mary
- masjid
- master
- mate
- mates
- matry
- mattress
- maturity
- mayyit
- meal
- meals
- medicine
- medina
- meeqat
- meet
- melody
- memorize
- men
- menses
- menstruating
- menstruation
- mensturation
- mention
- merchant
- merciful
- merciful.punishment
- mercy
- meryc
- message
- messenger
- methods
- middle
- migration
- milk
- mina
- mind
- minor
- minor kufr
- miqat
- miracle
- miracles
- mirror
- mischeif
- mischief
- misconception
- miser
- miserliness
- miserly
- misfortune
- misguidance
- misguide
- miskin
- miss
- missed
- mistake
- miswak
- mock
- mocking
- model
- moderate
- modest
- modesty
- mohammad
- mohammad(saw)
- mohammed
- mohammed(saw)
- moist
- monday
- money
- monk
- monotheism
- month
- moon
- moral
- morals
- morning
- morsel
- moses
- mosque
- mosques
- mother
- moths
- motivate
- motivation
- mountain
- mountains
- moustache
- mouth
- movie
- mp3
- mubarak
- mufarridun
- muhammad
- Muhammad(saw)
- muhammed
- muharram
- mules
- multiplied
- munafik
- muraqabah
- murderer
- musa(as)
- musallah
- muscles
- mushahadah
- mushrik
- music
- musim
- musk
- muslim
- Muslim husband
- Muslim marriage
- muslim.estranged
- muslims
- mustache
- mustard
- muzdalifah
- nafl
- nafs
- nails
- nairuz
- najd
- naked
- name
- names
- namimah
- nap
- narrate
- nas
- nation
- nations
- nature
- navel
- nawafil
- nawwa
- near
- neck
- needy
- neglect
- negotiating
- neighbor
- neighbour
- new
- new born
- nicknames
- niggardly
- night
- nightmare
- nights
- nikahm
- nile
- nisab
- noble
- non-believer
- non-believers
- non-mahram
- non-muslim
- noon
- nose
- notorious
- nun
- nutrients
- oath
- obedience
- obey
- object
- obligation
- obligatory
- obliterated
- obscene
- obstacles.
- ocassion
- odd
- odour
- offensince
- offer
- offspring
- oil
- old
- old age
- olives
- one
- oneness
- oneself
- opener
- openly
- opinion
- oppession
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppression
- oppressor
- opress
- optional
- order
- originator
- ornaments
- orphan
- orphans
- others
- overburden
- ovum
- ownership
- ozman
- pagans
- pain
- painful
- pains
- palace
- palm
- palm tree
- pamphlets
- parable
- paradise
- paraside
- pardon
- pardoner
- parent
- parents
- partner
- partners
- party
- pass
- passion
- passive
- past
- path
- patience
- patient
- peace
- pearl
- pebbles
- peer
- peidw
- pen
- penalty
- people
- perfect
- perfume
- periods
- permission
- perpectually
- person
- personality
- perspiration
- phamplets
- pharaoh
- physical
- picnic
- piety
- pilar
- pilgrimage
- pillar
- pillars
- pious
- place
- plague
- plants
- play
- playfullnes
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasure
- pledge
- plot
- poetry
- pointing
- polish
- polytheism
- polytheists
- poor
- position
- positive
- possessive
- postnatal bleeding
- poverty
- power
- powerful
- practice
- praise
- praises
- praiseworthy
- pray
- praye
- prayed
- prayer
- prayers
- praying
- preach
- preacher
- preaching
- preparation
- preserver
- pressure
- prevent
- price.
- prick
- pricking
- pride
- priest
- priority
- prison
- privacy
- private
- problem
- procastination
- procrastication
- profit
- prohibit
- prohibited
- prohibites
- prohibition
- prohpethood
- prolong
- prom
- promise
- promises
- property
- prophe(saw)
- prophecy
- prophet
- prophet (saw)
- prophet(saw)
- prophethood
- prophets
- proposal
- propose
- prosper
- prosperity
- prostations
- prostitute
- prostrate
- prostration
- protect
- protection
- protector
- protectors
- protects
- protien
- proud
- provide
- provision
- provisions
- pschycological
- psychological
- puberty
- pubic
- public
- publicise
- punctual
- punish
- punishment
- purchase
- purdah
- pure
- purification
- purify
- purity
- purpose
- pus
- qabeel
- qadr
- qareeb
- qarun
- qasim
- qiblah
- qiran
- qiyaam
- qiyam
- qiyam-ul-layl
- qiyamah
- qiyamul layl
- quality
- quarrel
- quarrels
- qudoos
- questioned
- questioning
- questions
- quite
- quiz
- qur'an
- quraish
- quran
- rabb
- rabi al awwal
- rain
- raised
- rakah
- rakat
- ram
- ramadan
- ramadhan
- ramal
- ramdan
- rancour
- rape
- react
- read
- reality
- recitation
- recite
- reckoner
- recommended
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- recreate
- recreational
- red
- refrain
- refuge
- regret
- reguar
- rejected
- relaince
- relation
- relations
- relationship
- relationships
- relative
- relatives
- relevation
- reliance
- relief
- religion
- religious
- religiousmeans
- remember
- remembrance
- reminder
- remorse
- repace
- repantance
- repent
- repentance
- repulse
- rescue
- resolve
- resources
- respect
- respected
- responsibility
- ressurection
- rest
- restore
- restrain
- restrictions
- restroom
- results
- resurection
- resurrection
- resurrector
- reurrection
- revelation
- revert
- revive
- reward
- rewards
- rewars
- rib
- riba
- rich
- riches
- richness
- rider
- ridicule
- riding
- right
- righteous
- righteousness
- rights
- rigthteous
- ring
- rise
- rising
- rival
- rivalry
- rivers
- riya
- rizq
- road
- robots
- role model
- romance
- romans
- roof
- root
- rub
- ruboobiyyah
- ruh
- rukoo
- ruku
- ruler
- rulers
- rules
- ruling
- run
- ruqayyah
- sabiroon
- sabr
- sacrifice
- sad
- sadaqa
- sadaqah
- saee
- safa
- safe
- safeguard
- safety
- sahabahs
- sahabas
- sahl
- sahu
- sajda
- sajdah
- salah
- salam
- salat
- sale
- salt
- salutation
- salute
- salvation
- sandals
- sarcastic
- sareerah
- sata
- satan
- satiate
- satisfied
- saturday
- save
- sawm
- sawsah
- scale
- scales
- scent
- schedule
- scheme
- scholar
- scholars
- school
- science
- scientific
- screen
- screens
- scriptures
- sea
- seal
- seat
- seclusion
- secret
- secrets
- see
- seed
- seek
- seerah
- self
- self contentment
- self-esteem
- self-respect
- selfish
- seller
- semen
- serious
- servant
- servants
- serve
- service
- sevant
- seven
- seven hundred
- stone
- seventy
- severe
- sex
- sexual intercourse
- shaban
- shade
- shadow
- shahadah
- sham
- shame
- shariah
- shatan
- shawl
- shawwal
- shaytan
- sheep
- sheet
- sheild
- shelter
- shephard
- shepherd
- shield
- shields
- ships
- shirk
- shoe
- shoes
- shopping
- short
- shoruds
- shoulder
- show off
- shower
- showoff
- shukr
- shy
- shyness
- siblings
- sick
- sickness
- sight
- signs
- sikhism
- silence
- silent
- silk
- silver
- similitude
- simple
- simplicity
- sin
- sincere
- sincerity
- sinful
- sink
- sinless
- sinner
- sinners
- sins
- sister
- sit
- sitting
- siwak
- six
- sixty
- sixty poor
- sixty-nine
- skills
- sky
- slander
- slandering
- slanders
- slaughter
- slaughter house
- slave
- slavery
- slaves
- sleep
- sleeping
- sleeping bag
- sleeplessness
- sleepy
- sluggish
- slumber
- smell
- smells
- smile
- smoking
- snack
- snake
- sneeze
- sneezes
- sneezing
- society
- socks
- soft
- solemnity
- son
- song
- songs
- soorah
- sorcery
- soul
- souls
- span
- speak
- specific
- speech
- spend
- sperm
- spiderman
- spinach
- spirit
- spirits
- spiritual
- spirituality
- spit
- split
- splitter
- spoil
- spoils
- Spouse
- spouses
- spread
- spritual
- spy
- spying
- standing
- stars
- start
- state
- statues
- status
- steadfast
- steal
- steals
- stingy
- stolen
- stomach
- stones
- storekeeper
- stories
- stormy
- straight
- strange
- stranger
- street
- strength
- stress
- strike
- strive
- stroke
- strong
- structure
- stubborn
- student
- study
- subhan Allah
- subhanallah
- subscribe
- subtle
- success
- successful
- suck
- suckling
- suffer
- sufficient
- suffiicient
- sugar
- suhoor
- suhur
- suicide
- sujood
- sujud
- sun
- sunnah
- sunrise
- sunset
- supererogatory
- superior
- suplicate
- suport
- suppication
- supplicate
- supplicates
- supplication
- supplications
- support
- suppress
- surah
- surah al baqarah
- surah as-dahr
- suspicion
- suspicious
- sustain
- sustaining
- sustains
- sustenance
- sutrah
- swear
- swearing
- sweep
- sweeter
- sweetness
- swine
- sword
- sympathy
- tafseer
- tafsir
- taghut
- tagut
- tahajjud
- taharah
- tahmeedh
- tahmid
- tajweed
- takbeer
- takbirallah
- talbiyah
- tale bearer
- tale carrying
- talk
- tamattu
- tamheed
- taqwa
- taraweeh
- tarawih
- tasbeeh
- tasbih.tahlil
- tashahhud
- task
- taste
- tawaf
- tawakkul
- tawassul
- tawbah
- tawfeeth
- tawheed
- tawqa
- tax
- tazkiyah
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- tears
- teen
- teeth
- television
- temper
- temporary
- temptation
- temptations
- ten
- tent
- terrorists
- test
- testament
- thank
- thankfulness
- thanks
- theft
- thirst
- thorn
- thorough
- thousand
- thousand months
- threat
- three
- three days
- thrice
- throat
- throne
- thursday
- tidings
- ties
- tight
- time
- timing
- tips
- tiredness
- tolerance
- tomorrow
- tone
- tongue
- tongues
- toothpaste
- torment
- torture
- towel
- town
- toy
- trade
- trail
- train
- training
- tranquility
- transgressors
- transportation
- travel
- traveler
- traveller
- treacherous
- treatment
- tree
- trees
- tress
- trial
- trials
- trials.prayer
- tribulations
- trim
- trinity
- trouble
- troublesome
- trust
- trusthworthy
- trusts
- trustworthy
- truth
- truthful
- turban
- turbulence
- tv
- two
- types
- uberty
- ulcer
- ulooliyyah
- umm khultum
- umm salama(ra)
- umm salamah
- ummah
- umra
- umrah
- unbeliever
- unbelievers
- unbeliver
- unbeliveres
- uncircumcised
- uncle
- unconscious
- underarm
- undress
- uneducated
- ungrateful
- unique
- unity
- unjust
- unjustly
- unlawful
- unlawfully
- unlwaful
- unseen
- upbrining
- urinate
- urine
- urnise
- usury
- utensil
- uterus
- vacation
- vain
- valid
- vegetables
- vehicle
- veil
- veils
- vein
- veins
- verse
- verses
- vessel
- victory
- video
- viewers
- vigilance
- virgin
- virtue
- virtues
- visit
- visiting
- voice
- voluntary
- volunteer
- vomit
- vow
- wada
- wadr
- wages
- wake
- wakefulness
- wali
- walk
- walking
- war
- waraqah
- warning
- warriors
- washroom
- waste
- wasting
- water
- waves
- wayfarer
- weak
- weakness
- wealth
- wealthy
- weaning
- weapon
- wear
- wedding
- weep
- weeping
- weeps
- weight
- welcome
- well
- west
- whisper
- whispers
- white
- wicked
- widow
- wife
- will
- willpower
- wind
- winds
- wine
- wipe
- wiping
- wisdom
- wise
- witchcraft
- witness
- witr
- wives
- wodhu
- woman
- womb
- wombs
- women
- women Muslim
- words
- worhip
- work
- world
- worldly
- worshio
- worship
- worst
- wrap
- wrapped
- wrath
- wretched
- wrong
- wudo
- wudu
- yahdikumullah wa balakum
- yarhamukallah
- yaseen
- yawn
- yawns
- year
- years
- yemen
- young
- youth
- zainab
- zakaah
- zakaat al fitr
- zakah
- zakat
- zamzam
- zikr
- zoo
- zuhr
- zygote
- Firoz Ozman (170)
- Haadia (1)
- Umm Sahl (1184)