Posted by Umm Sahl in Inspiring Stories, Knowledge | 7 Comments
The Blessed Shade
By Peace
The Black and white perspective of Islamic class
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity.” (3:104)
The Prophet (SAW) said, “Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence…” (Bukhari)
“Islamic class? Why? What happened to you? You are young right? Someone’s already acting soo matured”
Ya Allah! How many comments when I informed them that I’m joining an Islamic etiquettes and manners class on Friday mornings. But honestly hearing these comments, within me there was a conflict “Will I feel like an alien there? Would I feel bored like all others (who haven’t gone to such gatherings).”
Aoodubillah, the shaitaan had already begun his job to discourage me from going. Yet, Alhamdulillah, Allah SubhanaAllah Wa Taala gave me the strength to go ahead with my decision.
“And whomsoever Allah guides, for him there will be no misleader.” (39:37)
Prophet Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Race to good deeds before a time and a fitnah (test) comes that will sweep over you like the darkest of the darkest nights”
Allah blessed me with the right companions who encouraged me to go attend the gathering. May Allah Bless them all and give them the best of provisions in this world and Aakhirah. Ameen
For this reason, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you befriend” (Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi).
“A believer with respect to another believer is like a building; one part strengthens and reinforces the other.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
My 1st day at the most beautiful gathering in the eyes of Allah Azzawajal
My friend and I decided to go for this class. But then my friend had to take an emergency leave on the very first day of our class and I felt uneasy thinking about going without her for the lectures. I entered the gate and saw three sisters sitting outside the tent.
They greeted:
“ASSALAMUALAIKKUM WARAHMUTULLAH sister” (Coupled with Big warm innocent excited smiles)
“And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it or at least return it equally.” (4:86)
I thought to myself “wow what a pleasant greeting … so much peace and happiness it brought to my mind… It was obvious that they saw one of their BEST friends and was greeting her”. I turned back to see who their blessed BEST friend was ..! But didn’t see anyone. While my eyes were searching for that friend, one of those sisters interrupted my search..
“SISTER, how are you? Assalamualaikkum Warahmutullah! “
“When those who believe in Our Ayah (proofs, verses, signs, etc.) come to you, say: “Salaamun Alaikum” (peace be on you)……” (Surah al-An’aam:54)
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “The best of the two persons is the one who begins with salaam.” (Related by an-Nawawi)
SubhanaAllah! That best friend was me! They were talking to me! I greeted back with utmost happiness but shyly,
“Waalaikkum Assalam Warahmutullah”
After enquiring about my registration one of them guided me to the hall in the tent. A huge hall with more than 150 sisters. The light of Imaan shone on all of their faces. MashaAllah! I sat on one of those seats looking out for any familiar faces to get to talk to. A sister came forward, she put forward her hand to give me a handshake.
The Prophet (SAW) also said, “When two Muslims meet (give salaam), and shake hands, they are forgiven their sins before they part (with each other).” (Abu Dawud)
“Assalamualaikkum Warahmutullah…” “Waalaikkum Assalam Warahmutullah
“How are you sister? (Smiling with all the love, care and peace)”
“I am fine, Alhamdulillah”
“JazakAllah Khair (May Allah Reward you for the good) Sister. May Allah bless us all”
She smiled and greeted the sister sitting next to me, and then the next and next…
The Prophet (SAW) said: “When one of you joins a gathering, he should greet those present; and when he leaves them he should salute them, because the first salutation is not better than the last one.” (AbuDawud and Tirmithi)
Wow! What Etiquette of Greeting and Welcoming! What beautiful short talks those sisters had with me!…. but in those short moments they made duas for me:
• Assalamualaikkum Warahmutullah-May Peace and Mercy of Allah Be upon you.
• JazaAllah Khair-May Allah Reward you for the good.
• May Allah bless us all.
I later realized these Etiquettes are learnt from the Quran and Sunnah, which every Muslim is obliged to practice when meeting each other.
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah will give shade, to seven, on the Day when there will be no shade but His. (Among the seven, one of them is) two persons who love each other only for Allah’s sake and they meet and part in Allah’s cause only.” (Bukhari)
When driving back home, I asked myself…”Is it this place I had second thoughts of coming? Is it this place people comment as a place for only grownups?”
SubhanaAllah! Once we step into this world of people, who meet and part in the sake of Allah, who love each other for the sake of Allah, who teach, learn and practice the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, who share their knowledge having concern for each other, we realize that we have stepped onto a blessed shade filled with unpolluted, unmasked, sincere love and care; helping one another to increase and strengthen their Imaan to please Our Creator The Exalted.
Portrayal of Islamic/Quran classes by people who haven’t had an experience of attending such class is not what it actually is. All what I and my friends’ experience is that there is sharing of knowledge in the most beautiful way, helping each other to love for their sisters and brothers what they love for themselves, learning duas and so much more Alhamdulillah (All Praise to Allah). The peace of mind we get there, makes our heart content and makes us realize the beauty of there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is His Messenger.
The innocent jokes and those giggles…and the Beautiful Salaams and the big hugs …Alhamdulillah . You never get to make a “group” or a “gang” of friends there…all of us are one group / gang of friends who learn and teach each other with the intention of pleasing our Creator…The Most Merciful…The Most Gracious…
Allah Says “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety)…” (5:2)
Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Allah, His angels, the dwellers of the heaven and the earth, and even the ant in its hole and the fish (in Water) supplicate in favour of those who teach people knowledge.” (Tirmidhi)
O Allah, make us from Your devoted slaves. O Allah, do not prevent us from being among those Whom You protect; Allah make us from those who are close to you, O Allah, Lord of the worlds. Ameen
Subhan Allah, so well written. masha Allah:)
Sister your article reminded me of my days in the Markhaz:) Even I used to love going there, it was so much of fun.
I used to enjoy my time there and the friends I made there, Subhan Allah…Alhamdulillah…
SubhanAllah… such a true and amazing story. InshaAllah everyone should get a chance to experience how beautiful such gatherings are.
Even i am missing those days now 🙁
Inshallah I am joining in 2 weeks time :))
After reading this artlicle, just realised how blessed i am to have an Islamic Gathering right near my house….
It is great to see an article from you Peace while reading your thoughtful comments i always thought that why dont you write articles because you had the potential.You have written beautifully quoted beautifully.I need more articles from you i can learn more from you.I wish i could rate you article 5 stars multiple times alas the computor will insult me by saying u have already rated .Remember all of us in you prayers.PLease keep writing….
Assalamualaikkum Warahmutullah Sisters:)
[u]@Shayistha[/u]:-Alhamdulillah…:)who wouldnt feel the joy of pleasing Allah when in the company of righteous friends:)So true..JazakAllah Khair sister:)
[i]Markaz Al huda is an islamic dawah organisation located in Al qusais -dubai[/i]
[u]@Dia[/u]:-InshaAllah sister..lets make dua that everyone gets a chance to attend and learn from such gatherings..InshaAllah Taala 🙂
[u]@Sheharzad[/u]:-InshaAllah sister May you be able to attend the gathering sooon:)waiting for you ..InshaAllah..Summer courses are beginning soon..InshaAllah..will keep u updated
[u]@Humaira[/u]:-Alhamdulillah..All Praise to Him Alone sister..:)Thanks a lot for encouraging me to write more..May Allah Keep us all under His shade on the Day of judgement..Ameen:)Always in my prayers..
Do visit my blog:
subhan allah ,mashaallah a very beautiful article.It was really very encoraging to all of us to go to such islamic gatherings by which we can not only increase our knowledge but also meet beautiful hearted people.insha allah.
Beautiful sister…..mashAllah….Well-written. InshAllah I should check out your blog….may Allah make us among the Shuhada’ of Islam, and if not in this world, may Allah gather all of us in high levels of Jannathul Firdaws, where we can enjoy each other’s comapny…
What I liked the most is, mashAllah for every point you wanted to make, you had an ayah ready….
I don’t know if this story is authentic, but ur article reminded me of: the woman who would talk only using the ayahs of the Quran….SubhanAllah….