Oct 20, 2009
Posted by firozozman in Daily Pearls | 1 Comment
Ka’b reported that Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said that the similitude of a believer is that of a standing crop in a field which is shaken by wind and then it comes to its original position but it stands at its roots. The similitude of a non-believer is that of a cypress tree which stands on its roots and nothing shakes it but it is uprooted (with) one (violent stroke). (Muslim, 6744)
subhanAllah…a muslim is blessed with such strong base because he believe in Allah and puts all his trust on Allah…what a great feeling that after a strom he goes back to his early position…rather more firmly (like a palm tree or a crop)…the same applies to a palm tree…my islamic teacher told us…kathryn Jones…a great teacher mashaa’Allah