jazakum AllAH khair for the extremely important reminder and yes indeed Sheikh Yasir gives solid, easy, striaght forward and concise messages. Subhan Allah 🙂
Umm Sahl, your sister in Islam, a wife and mother of 3 beautiful blessed babies Sahl Ozman, Du'aa Ozman and Zakiy Ozman.
I live in Toronto, a city which gives me immense opportunities to nurture my knowledge in Islam.
I spare my time learning and sharing the knowledge of truth and peace.
Please feel free to write to me.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi is sooo easy going. I have gone thru so many articles/vdos of Zul Hajj but nothing was as smooth as this one. Mashallah 🙂
Masha Allah..
very true sister Bela..
This video is very very easy and informative…
mashaAllah wonderful message.. May Allah help us do our best and may He accept from us – Amee..
jazakum AllAH khair for the extremely important reminder and yes indeed Sheikh Yasir gives solid, easy, striaght forward and concise messages. Subhan Allah 🙂