Mar 23, 2009

Posted by in Dawah | 3 Comments

The Different Methods of Da’wah

To read the previous part: Click Here 


2.Enjoining good and forbidding evil

3.Distributing materials (pamphlets, booklets, Cd’s)

4.Lectures, khutubah and classes

5.One- on- one street Da’wah

6.One- on-one sit down Da’wah

7.Internet Da’wah

8.Indirect Da’wah

ADVICE The Prophet (saw) said: “The religion is naseehah.” We asked, “To whom O Prophet of Allah?” He said, “To Allah, and to His book and to His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and to the common folk.” (Bukhari and Muslim)  

The wording of the hadith shows the importance of advice.

Advice is more specific than Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil, because it even includes advices in issues of dunya.

These days giving advice is difficult; people don’t like to be corrected and make numerous excuses to justify their faults, so the Da’iyah will have to jump through hoops in order for his advice to be accepted.

Some manners of giving advice:

·  If possible, don’t offer your advice to someone publicly.

·  Make an agreement that the two of you will exchange advice freely.

·  Be gentle in offering your advice.

·  Start with the more important things first.

·  Be the mirror to other believers.

·  By pass the ego or avoid hurting their pride.

·  Offer yourself up for advice first.

Points to Ponder: “A believer covers up and gives naseehah, whereas an evil doer exposes and humiliates.”


“Whoever sees a Munkar (reprehensible act) then let him change it with his hand, if he is not able then with his tongue, and if he can`t then with his heart and that is the weakest of Iman.” (Muslim)

· Do not change the evil if that leads to destruction of property or bodily harm.

· The order of the instruments of change depends on the evil itself.

· Do not expose yourself to harm in the process.


·  Know what you are handling out.

·  Prepare a plan to cover the area.

·  Hand out as much material as possible.

·  No talking amongst the du’at.

·  Have a catch phrase to arouse interest. “Take it or hear it!”

Points to Ponder: “Not every pamphlet is good, and not every good pamphlet is appropriate.”


·  Make sure you have a take-home message.

·  Do not go over the time allotted.

·  Do not make the khutubah too long.

·  Keep your audience interested.


We are specifically referring to reaching people through email, websites and videos. Da’uat is still slow in keeping up with Da’wah through available technology:

·  The rules of Da’wah will remain the same.

·  Avoid the opposite sex if possible especially in chat rooms, etc.

If you are making videos to put on- line:

·  Present a quality video: have good lighting, and audio.

·  Stay with your topic.

·  Avoid debates and arguments.


·  Be efficient

·  Take security into consideration.

·  Have a partner with you.


·  Find out how much they know about Islam.

·  Listen to find the obstacle.

·  Use your time wisely.

·  Write down points as you go along.


Many times you can influence people, alter behavior and invite someone to Islam without speaking to them directly. Some examples are:

·  Da’wah through good manners and behavior. Set example for others.

·  Performing acts of worship in public.

·  Leaving Da’wah materials in public places.

·  T shirts, bumper stickers, signs, etc

  1. A very good and step by step article to follow.

  2. AHMED SHARIEF says:

    Masha Allah! Ecxellent job done. May Allah the most high reward you

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