Apr 2, 2009

Posted by in Knowledge | 3 Comments

Can Women Preach Islam?

Written by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty

It all depends what we mean by preaching. If by preaching we mean transmitting the message of Islam through words and actions, then most of the prominent women of the sahabah as well as the wives of the Prophet  were transmitters of knowledge to individuals and groups who sought out for them. This is why the works of hadith are full of narrations from them. However, the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, played a far greater role as they served as retainers and transmitters of Prophetic wisdom. Aishah and Umm Salamah stood out as the most prominent among them. As for Aishah, her home was almost like a university, for hundreds of men and women transmitted traditions and insights in fiqh and tafsir from her; among them were the seven foremost jurists of Madinah in the next generation.

Thanks to her contributions, when the Umayyad Caliph Umar b. Abd al-Aziz commissioned scholars to compile traditions, he specifically requested them to compile all of the traditions transmitted by Aishah through her students.

Aishah was also recognized for her oratorical skills as well besides her deep grasp of hadith, fiqh, tafsir and Arabic language. Mu’awiyah, the Umayyad caliph, and the companion of the Prophet said, “I never heard a more eloquent speaker after the Prophet, peace be upon him, comparable to Aishah.” It is well known that Aishah used to address people whenever there was a need to do so in order to clarify an issue or pass on a valuable piece of information. Thus when she heard that, following Abu Bakr’s death, some people were criticizing him for some of his policies, she gathered them and addressed them covering all of the points they had raised. She then asked them, whether they still had any question, to which all of them remained quiet, for they could not but be convinced of her presentation.

Thanks to the legacy of Aishah, Umm Salamah and others, Islam produced hundreds of women scholars, who were known for their expertise in various fields such as hadith and fiqh. Even some of the greatest imams such as Imam Shafi, Ibn Taymiyya, Dhahabi, and Ibn Hajar had women scholars as teachers. Dr. Akram Nadvi has brought out a multi-volume work on women scholars in Islam.

In conclusion: It is perfectly fine for women to speak to men or address them or teach them

Source: http://islahicentre.org/

  1. subhanallah.

  2. a sigh of relief i must say cause most of the people say she can’t be a preacher…but i need more articles relating to this topic to make clear for me how far she can preach with regard to males cause there might be great care to be taken by her in this process if im not wrong

  3. "Its perfectly fine for women to teach men"!!Subhanallah!

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