Jul 12, 2010

Posted by in Did You Know | 6 Comments

Three Ingredients to Happiness

Did You Know?

That Islam teaches us ways to be happy?

Yes, here are the three Ingredients to Happiness:

1. Gratitude: We are blessed us with bounties every second by our creator, let us be grateful and thankful to Allah for all these. Let us also be thankful to those who becomes a means of help from Allah. E.g. if someone does us a favour, thank him.

To be grateful to Allah for our current status, think of people below our status and less fortunate than us. Think about the good qualities in ourselves and our family and thank Allah.

Have a Gratitude ATTITUDE!

2. Prefer Others before Yourself: Helping others makes us happy and the more we help others, the more we get closer to Allah.

In surveys it is found that once our basic needs are met, then money does not make us happy any more. Experiences through journeys and adventures make a person happy. What about a Hajj or Umrah?

3. Behave like a happy person: Even if we are sad, smile and behave like a happy person. When we smile at a person that person smiles back. So smile is ‘Infectious’:)

Never let others know our sad feelings. Express everything to Allah. The more we feel sad in our lives, the more ungrateful to Allah we shall become. Instead behave happily and Insha Allah we shall tend to become happy automatically.

True Success and Happiness comes from the Submission to Allah.

Share your personal experience of Happiness, here

  1. Experiences like Umrah, Hajj, or any leisure trips has lasting memories. It is very difficult for us to forget it and when we think about it, we cherish those memories, Subhan Allah!

  2. Helping others is definitely a way of being happy. Just try helping others and you can find yourself soo happy and calm.

    However, the intention should be to please Allah only then we shall taste the sweetness of helping others:)

  3. JazakiAllah khair sister Shayistha for sharing your beautiful thoughts. indeed preferring others over one selves require firm commitment and strong and pure intention and than things work out in an amazing manner. at first instance satan tries hard by convincing oneself like ‘WHAT exactly did that person did in return to all the help you had provided or s/he never is thankful to you whenever you helped her/him?????’ but when one is committed to help that person in need than that process of help gradually becomes really an inspiring and spiritual experience…..and one will get the return that’s FOR SURE if not a prompt one but it will be there with Allah’s Blessing.

  4. Adventurous picnics are worth to be part of lives rather than these parties full of mixing and music. we really remember such picnics and trips for a long times and they are pleasing and to a greater extend a learning experience as well. alhamdulillah.

  5. May Allah accept your efforts that are consistent mashAllah…may Allah increase you and your husband and anyone helping you with AWP…

    I enjoyed reading this with Aisha…:)

  6. Ameen…

    Thank u soo much dear… 🙂

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