Jul 26, 2010

Posted by in Did You Know | 11 Comments

A baby Girl is a Mother’s awful shame?

Even today when we look around the world, we see several parents blessed with baby girls, their faces turn red and they become ashamed to face the society then on. Why? Because of the birth of a baby girl!

In fact, in many countries, revealing the gender of the baby before pregnancy is prohibited, because of the increased rate of abortion that takes place, after parents become aware of the babies’ gender.

Babies are sinless, innocent and pure – Do they really deserve to be killed?

Subhan Allah – Islam, the Religion of truth, has raised the honour and status of women to such a high level, that it speaks about the bounty of female children, in a way that no other religion has ever spoken.

Did you know the status of parents who raise girls?

Malik reported Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: He, who brought up two girls properly till they grew up, he and I would come (together) (very closely) on the Day of Resurrection, and he interlaced his fingers (for explaining the point of nearness between him and that person). (Muslim, 6364)

Subhan Allah!

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  1. Subhan Allah!

    I am very happy for my parents as they are blessed with 3 daughters:)

    It is soo sad to see even well educated families now who are soo upset and get worried when they are blessed with baby girl. They feel like a burden!!!

  2. Subahanallah!!
    I am happy for my parents too,Mashallah.

  3. Alhamdulillah m happy for my parents too….

  4. Zakariyah Abdulazeez says:

    Anyone who maltreat a woman because she gives birth to baby girl is suffering from illiteracy and ignorancy. Apart from the fact that bringing up baby girl is in line with the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), it is also a way to continue humanity. If girls are not born or are not allowed to survive today – who will be the mother of children tomorrow?
    Moreover, if it comes to children who takes care of their parents at old age, girls do it more the boys – the boys are usually preoccupied with their own wives and children,while the girl child turns to take care of the old parents.
    May Allah continue to Bless our mothers. Particularly my own Mother – she is late but I pray for her every day.

  5. JazakAllahu Khairan brother Zakariyah for adding your viewpoints…

  6. Baby girls are a precious gift from Allah SWT. People who are not happy at the birth of a baby girl should look at those who have none and be thankful to Allah who has blessed them with such a beautiful neyamah. Look at the status of such parents….. Subhaan Allah….

  7. Very true sister Rubia. Few people just cannot imagine the blessing Allah has blessed them with.. Subhan Allah!

  8. Alhamdulilah girl baby’s r precise gift to the parents.alhamdulilah my parents r blessed with 3’daughters.
    dont know y ppl think girl child r burden on them.my parents were happy with 3’daughters mash’allah.

  9. In Indian culture, girls are treated as a burden thinking about the dowry they have to give when they have to get married.

    And few even feel that girls will not financially support the family if they have no boys once the girl gets married.

    Subhan Allah, it is Allah who provides!

  10. Afra Safeer says:


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