Dec 15, 2010

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Part 8 (b): Lying-Prevention and Cure- Heart Therapy

Read the Table of Contents of Heart Therapy

Read Part 8 (a): Lying-Its Tyes and Causes

One can cure his disease of lying by doing a number of things:

  1. Increasing Remembrance and Fear of Allah: This will make the person more mindful of what he is doing. It will remind him that he is a worshipper of Allah (SWT) and that, ultimately, it is the pleasure of Allah that he seeks. If he lies then Allah will not be pleased with him.
  2. Know the Virtues of Truthfulness: One should realise that truth always prevails. In particular, one should remember that it is vital that a person only speaks the truth when he attributes something to the Messenger of Allah (SWT).

    Ali (RA) said, “That I was to fall from the sky is more beloved to me that to lie.”

  3. Fear the Punishment of Allah: The punishment of Allah is greater than the punishment that one might be susceptible to if he tells the truth, and if lying can indeed save you from a person’s personal wrath then one needs to remember that they still might be liable to incur the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment.

  4. Know the Consequences of Falsehood: One should be familiar with the consequences of lying and consider the embarrassment he would feel when his falsehood was exposed, for even if this does not happen in this world than it will be revealed on the Last Day. Any benefit gained from such a falsehood is only temporary and such a sin can only lead to regret and remorse.
  5. Reflect on the Character of the Prophet: The Prophet (SAW) was known as Al-Amin (The trustworthy one) and al-Sadiq (The truthful one), even his enemies bore testimony to his truthfulness. Thus, he should appreciate that every falsehood he utters takes him further away from emulating the virtues and characters of the Prophets and the righteous believers.
  6. Realise that a lie requires further lies to cover it: One lie often leads to another, and it is said that this is the greatest punishment for lying, that one sin leads to many more.

  7. Isti’adha (seek refuge in Allah): One should seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan the accursed and rejected as it is him who incites man to lie and sin.
  8. Du’a: One should increase his supplication to Allah that He remove this evil characteristic and replace it with good, for Allah alone is his creator and He alone is capable of transforming him.
  9. Reprimand Oneself: One might punish oneself everytime he lies to encourage himself to give up lying. For instance, he might want to impose a fast or sadaqah on himself in order that he achieve this goal in earnestness.

Read the next Part 8 (c): Exceptions to the Prohibition on Lying

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