Dec 16, 2010

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Part 8 (c): Exceptions to the Prohibition on Lying- Heart Therapy

Read the Table of Contents of Heart Therapy

Read Part 8 (b): Lying- Prevention and Cure- Heart Therapy

As in the case of most sins there are exceptional cases when lying is permitted, perhaps even recommended or obligatory, in Islam.

Imam al- Nawwawi stated, “Even though the general rule with regards to lying is that it is haram, it is allowed in some situations with conditions.

We can summarise this as follows: speech is a means to reach certain goals. Every praiseworthy goal that can be achieved without lying then it is haram to lie to achieve it. If, however, this praiseworthy and permissible goal cannot be achieved except by lying, then lying is permissible to achieve it. Moreover if the goal desired is one that needs to be attained by way of obligation and it cannot be achieved without lying, then lying, too becomes obligatory in order that the goal might be achieved.

Thus, if a Muslim is hiding from an oppressor who intends to kill him or hides his wealth from one who intends to steal it, and someone else is asked about him or his wealth, it is obligatory upon that person to lie in order to conceal that.”

So he can lie and say that he does’nt know where the person is or where the wealth is in order to protect that person and his wealth.

Though, Imam al Nawwawi clarifies this point when he states, “However, it is better to give an equivocal answer, i.e. one which is not clear or definite in meaning and can be interpreted in more than one way, in order to avoid lying altogether.”

As an example, he could say, “Try looking for him in the Masjid,” to give the impression that the person who the oppressor wishes to kill is in the masjid, even though he is really in the house.

To summarise, Lying is permitted:

  • To defend your brothers/sisters honor
  • To protect your wealth
  • To reconcile between two people

Read the next Part 9: Riya (Ostentation)

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